If you are selling a smart speaker through electronic classified ads, you have a lot of competition. Smart speakers for smart homes are top-selling items. Your inclination may be to undercut the other sellers, or you can think like a digital ad professional and craft the most appealing copy. 

Digital marketers have other tricks up their sleeve. Here are three of the top marketing secrets of digital advertisers. 

1. Use Emotional Appeal 

Brand loyalty is the top reason buyers will choose your smart speaker. But if you want buyers to identify more strongly with your product, emotional appeal sells. Emotion is the secret to going viral. The most popular viral ads have the strongest emotional appeal. 

Imagery is the most effective way to make an emotional appeal. If you are selling a popular brand item, you will have lots of choices of product photos. If your target audience is a family, choose the photo of the family sitting around the smart speaker that oozes familial warmth. 

2. Make An Offer 

Many shoppers will browse your ad and move onto the next. But if you ask them to make an offer, you have engaged the buyer. Every negotiation starts with an offer. What if the offer is too low? You're now at the virtual negotiating table and you have market power. If you have higher offers, share them with other bidders. In some cases, the price is bid up higher than the list price. 

Some electronics classified ads sites provide a transparent automated bidding process. You may be obligated to take the highest bid, but you should be able to set the lowest price you will accept. 

3. Add Free Accessories

Everyone loves a freebie. If the freebie is sold with a high value item, buyers will place a higher value on your free item and even pay more for the main item. Your freebie may also make your buyer feel obligated to reciprocate and buy your item. 

So if you're deciding whether or not to throw in the smartphone case or Apple Pencil, if you no longer use them, accessories can sell your product. And if you can indeed fetch a higher price for your electronics, it may cover the market value of the freebie. 

Before posting your electronics ad, identify your target audience. You can then produce an ad that will tug at their heartstrings. Speak with a professional for more information about electronics classified ads.
