Social media. Pay per click advertising. Influencers. Marketing in the 21st century is all about fast data, A/B testing, and online trends. Sure, it works. If you are looking for something different, however, why not expand your reach old-school methods? There is a reason the offline techniques below have been used for decades: they work.
1. Paper Newsletter: While collecting email addresses and sending regular e-newsletters is an important pillar of online marketing, paper newsletters are still a great way to reach customers. This tactile approach has been used for over 130 years, and it still works today. In fact, being able to stick a print newsletter up on a refrigerator as a visual reminder is reason enough to go the postal route. You can't use a fridge magnet on a Facebook ad.
2. Billboards: Marketing is the process of getting your name out to the general public, and there is no better way to do that than by having your ad sit in their line of sight during morning rush hour. Billboard advertising is a larger-than-life way to get your message across.
3. Sign Spinners: While we may not want to be the one spinning the sign in the hot sun, we can't argue with the effectiveness of sign spinners. People love to stop and look. Use them to promote your business, hand out coupons, or just to get people talking. You can have one of your team do the job in-house or outsource the position to the pros.
4. Thank You Cards: No one sends thank you cards anymore. Taking the time to hand write out your appreciation to your customers is a genuine and heartfelt marketing idea. Emily Post states that "People always appreciate getting thanks in writing." Plus, it gives you an excuse to get your name out in front of them again and give them (another) business card. People love contact that doesn't include an 'ask', just a thank you.
5. Sponsor Community Events: You really can't argue with the tried and true aspect of having your business name boldly printed across the back of every little league baseball player on the team. It's tradition. It's right up there with apple pie and ice cream. Any activity you can sponsor in your community or for your local PTA is money well spent.
Instead of another social media campaign or blogger reviewer why not add a little homegrown, old-school marketing to the mix? For more information, contact a company like Outdoor Networks.