For a website to be an effective part of your marketing strategy, it must focus on what distinguishes your practice among others in the community. It must also be a helpful resource to potential patients seeking out medical help. Here are some of the factors to consider when designing a website to support your medical practice.
Focus on Your Specialties, Even If It's General Family Medicine
Make it clear what your areas of focus are. For example, if you specialize in senior care or diagnosing and treating diabetes, make that the predominant message on the home page. You want people to quickly understand the strengths of your practice.
You can use a similar tone when promoting a general family practice. For example, your message can be how your office focuses on family medicine while so many other practices are now specializing. You'll attract people who are looking for a new family doctor but don't have a specific health need.
Make the Website Easy to Use
If your website is too difficult to navigate around to find relevant information, the viewer may just pass you by. Sometimes a simple design is the best, especially when high-tech features get in the way of a person finding the information they are looking for. Make sure the contact information and address are some of the first things people see when they find your page. Some tips to enhance usability of your web site include:
- Keeping the content on the page brief to make it easy to quickly scan.
- Minimizing the amount of scrolling required to see important information on the page.
- Making navigation buttons clear as to where they will take the viewer.
- Using commonly understood language when directing people through the website.
A few items to avoid on your website to keep people focused include:
- Music or videos that start automatically when a person accesses your website.
- Pop-up messages for such items as newsletter subscription requests.
- Videos or slideshows playing in a sidebar as the person navigates through your web site.
These features all distract the viewer from your content. Some people will become irritated enough to bail out on your site before they've finished their review.
Make Sure the Blog Content Is Easy to Understand
Make sure that the content on your blog is written to the level of viewer that you wish to draw in to your practice. Updating your blog regularly is key to keeping your website relevant in Google searches. When creating content, use language and tone that is right for your target population. Although you may know medical jargon like the back of your hand, keep in mind that the layperson looking for medical advice will not have that background. If you outsource the content, use a service that is familiar with writing for medical practices. Talk with a professional, like Scotti Design, for more information.
The content should have something helpful for the reader. Instead of a general topic, make the content focus on a smaller niche interest. For example, rather that writing an article on "Understanding Type 2 Diabetes," create an article on "How To Enjoy Your Favorite Ice Cream This Summer If You Have Type 2 Diabetes."
The easier it is for the viewer to find and read helpful information on your website, the more likely it is that they will return to the site in the future. This also increases the likelihood that they will contact your practice when they need medical assistance.